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LIST Active Alerts



Returns list of active alerts. The format is a JSON array


Path Parameters

    workspaceId uuidrequired

Query Parameters

    deviceId string
    streamName string
    streamGroupName string
    ruleName string
    after date-time

    Filter alerts that were raised after the specified date and time.

    before date-time

    Filter alerts that were raised before the specified date and time.

    isAcknowledged boolean


List of active alerts


    alertId stringrequired

    Alert GUID.

    deviceId stringrequired
    streamName stringrequired
    streamGroupName stringrequired
    ruleName stringrequired
    firedTime date-time

    Date and time when the alert was raised.

    lastMessageTime date-time

    Date and time when the last message was sent.

    targets string[]required
    isAcknowledged boolean