Delta Tables Schema - Open Telemetry
See Delta Egress Sink page to learn more about sending data to Delta Tables in general.
When using this schema, multiple tables is created at the Directory Path
specified in the Egress Route configuration. Each table contains data from a respective OpenTelemetry signal type.
- Logs:
- Metrics:
- Traces:
The incoming message's payload is expected to be in Protobuf format satisfying Open Telemetry protocol for each signal type:
- Logs:
- Metrics:
- Traces:
Schema for Logs
Name | Type | Example | Description |
stream_group_name | string | group-a | Name of the stream group the message was sent into. |
stream_name | string | telemetry | Name of the stream the message was sent into. |
site_id | string | factory-a51 | Id of site that the device was at during sending the message. It is not always available, depending on the Stream configuration. |
device_id | string | robot-125 | Id of the device that sent the message. |
batch_id | string | 2023-12-19 | Identifier of batch. It is provided by device or auto-filled by the platform (if configured). |
message_id | string | m00767 | Identifier of the message. It is provided by device or auto-filled by the platform (if configured). |
workspace_id | string | 69f09b3f-ec0d-4b9e-a5ec-87150b935296 | Identifier of the Workspace that originating Device and Stream belong into. Formatted as GUID/UUID with 32 hexadecimal digits (lowercase) separated by hyphens. |
ingress_enqueued_date_time | timestamp | 2023-12-19T11:25:56.1408925+01:00 | Time when the Message was ingested by the platform. ISO 8601 format. |
otel_date | date | 2023-12-05 | The UTC date extracted from from otel_time_unix_nano. |
otel_attributes | map<string, string> | {"service": "example"} | Merged attributes from resource, scope and data point level. |
otel_time_unix_nano | long | 1724063701707354000 | Time when the event occurred. |
otel_observed_time_unit_nano | long | 1724063701707316000 | Time when the event was observed by the collection system. |
otel_severity_text | string | WARN | The severity text (also known as log level). The original string representation as it is known at the source. |
otel_severity_number | long | 15 | Numerical value of the severity, normalized to values described in Open Telemetry's Log Data Model. |
otel_body | string | Event happened. | A value containing the body of the log record. Primitive values (string, int, double, bool) are serialized directly to their string representation. Bytes are encoded to base64. Array or KeyValueList values are serialized to JSON. |
Spark SQL - interpretable schema
stream_group_name STRING,
stream_name STRING,
site_id STRING,
device_id STRING,
batch_id STRING,
message_id STRING,
workspace_id STRING,
ingress_enqueued_date_time TIMESTAMP,
otel_date DATE,
otel_attributes MAP<STRING, STRING>,
otel_time_unix_nano LONG,
otel_observed_time_unit_nano LONG,
otel_severity_text STRING,
otel_severity_number LONG,
otel_body STRING
Partition key columns
Table is partitioned by otel_date
The value for this column is extracted from the LogRecord.time_unix_nano
field of the OTEL protobuf message.
Schema for Metrics
Name | Type | Example | Description |
stream_group_name | string | group-a | Name of the stream group the message was sent into. |
stream_name | string | telemetry | Name of the stream the message was sent into. |
device_id | string | robot-125 | Id of the device that sent the message. |
batch_id | string | 2023-12-19 | Identifier of batch. It is provided by device or auto-filled by the platform (if configured). |
message_id | string | m00767 | Identifier of the message. It is provided by device or auto-filled by the platform (if configured). |
workspace_id | string | 69f09b3f-ec0d-4b9e-a5ec-87150b935296 | Identifier of the Workspace that originating Device and Stream belong into. Formatted as GUID/UUID with 32 hexadecimal digits (lowercase) separated by hyphens. |
ingress_enqueued_date_time | timestamp | 2023-12-19T11:25:56.1408925+01:00 | Time when the Message was ingested by the platform. ISO 8601 format. |
otel_date | date | 2023-12-05 | The UTC date extracted from from otel_time_unix_nano. |
otel_attributes | map<string, string> | {"service": "example"} | Merged attributes from resource, scope and record level. |
otel_time_unix_nano | long | 1724063701707354000 | Moment corresponding to when the data point's aggregate value was captured. |
otel_start_time_unix_nano | long | 1724063701708323000 | Indicates to consumers the start time for points with cumulative and delta aggregation temporality. |
otel_name | string | system.filesystem.usage | Name of the metric. |
otel_unit | string | s | Unit in which the metric value is reported. Follows the format described by |
otel_instrument | string | gauge | Type of the metric instrument: gauge , sum , histogram . Indicates what following columns are available. |
otel_gauge_value | double | 42.1 | Gauge value. |
otel_gauge_flags | long | ||
otel_sum_value | double | 42.1 | Sum value. |
otel_sum_flags | long | ||
otel_sum_is_monotonic | bool | true | true if sum is monotonic, false otherwise. |
otel_sum_aggregation_temporality | string | Cumulative | Describes if the aggregator reports delta changes since last report time, or cumulative changes since a fixed start time. |
otel_histogram_count | long | 42 | Number of values in the population. |
otel_histogram_sum | double | 1252 | Sum of the values in the population. |
otel_histogram_min | double | 2 | Minimal value in the population. |
otel_histogram_max | double | 91 | Maximal value in the population. |
otel_histogram_bucket_counts | long[] | [20, 21, 38, 89] | Contains the count values of histogram for each bucket. |
otel_histogram_explicit_bounds | double[] | [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] | Specifies buckets with explicitly defined bounds for values. |
otel_histogram_flags | long | ||
otel_histogram_aggregation_temporality | string | Cumulative | Describes if the aggregator reports delta changes since last report time, or cumulative changes since a fixed start time. |
Spark SQL - interpretable schema
stream_group_name STRING,
stream_name STRING,
site_id STRING,
device_id STRING,
batch_id STRING,
message_id STRING,
workspace_id STRING,
ingress_enqueued_date_time TIMESTAMP,
otel_date DATE,
otel_attributes MAP<STRING, STRING>,
otel_time_unix_nano LONG,
otel_start_time_unix_nano LONG,
otel_name STRING,
otel_unit STRING,
otel_instrument STRING,
otel_gauge_value DOUBLE,
otel_gauge_flags LONG,
otel_sum_value DOUBLE,
otel_sum_flags LONG,
otel_sum_is_monotonic BOOLEAN,
otel_sum_aggregation_temporality STRING,
otel_histogram_count LONG,
otel_histogram_sum DOUBLE,
otel_histogram_min DOUBLE,
otel_histogram_max DOUBLE,
otel_histogram_bucket_counts ARRAY<LONG>,
otel_histogram_explicit_bounds ARRAY<DOUBLE>,
otel_histogram_flags LONG,
otel_histogram_aggregation_temporality STRING
Partition key columns
Table is partitioned by otel_date
The value for this column is extracted from the
field or
of the OTEL protobuf message.
Schema for Traces
Name | Type | Example | Description |
stream_group_name | string | group-a | Name of the stream group the message was sent into. |
stream_name | string | telemetry | Name of the stream the message was sent into. |
device_id | string | robot-125 | Id of the device that sent the message. |
batch_id | string | 2023-12-19 | Identifier of batch. It is provided by device or auto-filled by the platform (if configured). |
message_id | string | m00767 | Identifier of the message. It is provided by device or auto-filled by the platform (if configured). |
workspace_id | string | 69f09b3f-ec0d-4b9e-a5ec-87150b935296 | Identifier of the Workspace that originating Device and Stream belong into. Formatted as GUID/UUID with 32 hexadecimal digits (lowercase) separated by hyphens. |
ingress_enqueued_date_time | timestamp | 2023-12-19T11:25:56.1408925+01:00 | Time when the Message was ingested by the platform. ISO 8601 format. |
otel_date | date | 2023-12-05 | The UTC date extracted from from otel_start_time_unix_nano. |
otel_attributes | map<string, string> | {"service": "example"} | Merged attributes from resource, scope and span level. |
otel_start_time_unix_nano | long | 1724063701707354000 | Start time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by the local machine where the span execution starts. On the server side, this is the time when the server's application handler starts running |
otel_end_time_unix_nano | long | 1724063701708323000 | End time of the span. On the client side, this is the time kept by the local machine where the span execution ends. On the server side, this is the time when the server application handler stops running |
otel_span_name | string | get_account/{accountId} | A description of the span's operation. |
otel_span_kind | string | Client | Distinguishes between spans generated in a particular context. |
otel_span_id | string | 7370616e2d69640b | A unique identifier for a span within a trace. The ID is an 8 bytes encoded to base-16. |
otel_parent_span_id | string | 7370616e2d69640a | Identifier of the parent span. The ID is 16 bytes encded to base-16. |
otel_trace_id | string | 74726163652d69642d746573742d3132 | A unique identifier for a trace. The ID is 16 bytes encded to base-16. |
otel_trace_state | string | example-state | Conveys information about request position in multiple distributed tracing graphs. |
otel_status_code | string | Ok | Status code. |
otel_status_message | string | example-message | A developer-facing human readable error message. |
otel_flags | long | ||
otel_events | string[] | An event can be thought of as a structured log message (or annotation) on a span, typically used to denote a meaningful, singular point in time during the span's duration. Please see details about its format below. | |
otel_links | string[] | Links is a collection of Links, which are references from this span to a span in the same or different trace. Please see details about its format below. |
The items in otel_events
and otel_links
arrays are serialized to JSON strings with the format described by the following examples:
JSON body of events:
"name": "operation_failed",
"timeUnixNano": "1724063701708323000",
"attributes": {"service": "example", "exception.message": "example", "exception.stacktrace": "example"},
JSON body of links:
"traceId": "74726163652d69642d746573742d3132",
"spanId": "7370616e2d69640b",
"traceState": "example-state",
"attributes": {"service": "example"},
"flags": 0,
Spark SQL - interpretable schema
stream_group_name STRING,
stream_name STRING,
site_id STRING,
device_id STRING,
batch_id STRING,
message_id STRING,
workspace_id STRING,
ingress_enqueued_date_time TIMESTAMP,
otel_date DATE,
otel_attributes MAP<STRING, STRING>,
otel_start_time_unix_nano LONG,
otel_end_time_unix_nano LONG,
otel_span_name STRING,
otel_span_kind STRING,
otel_span_id STRING,
otel_parent_span_id STRING,
otel_trace_id STRING,
otel_trace_state STRING,
otel_status_code STRING,
otel_status_message STRING,
otel_flags LONG,
otel_events ARRAY<STRING>,
otel_links ARRAY<STRING>
Partition key columns
Table is partitioned by otel_date
The value for this column is extracted from the Span.start_time_unix_nano
field of the OTEL protobuf message.