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Azure Service Bus

Azure Service Bus is an enterprise message broker which topics and queues can be used as Egress Sinks.


See Consume Data in Your Systems page to learn more about configuring Egress Sinks and Routes.

Supported egress events:

KindIs supported
Batch Completions

When used as an Egress Sink, each logical Message or Batch Completion is routed to an Service Bus entity (queue or topic) as a physical Service Bus message. Functionality and configuration for routing in the topics and queues is identical.

The Azure Service Bus messages have two parts: body and properties. The body is a simple byte array, and the properties are a set of key-value pairs. In the context of Egress Sinks, the properties are used to transport the metadata about the Message/Batch Completion, such as stream-name. Depending on the Egress Route configuration and size of the routed Message, the body might contain the actual payload of the Message that arrived from a devicea. The exact format specification can be found below.


In order to route a Message or a Batch Completion, the target Service Bus topic or queue must be configured as an Egress Sink and one or more Streams must have Egress Route targeting that Egress Sink.

To configure the Egress Sink, the following parameters are required:

  • Connectiong String

    • Connection string for entity-level shared access policy with at least Send permission/claim. The connection string must contain SharedAccessKey and SharedAccessKeyName properties. Property SharedAccessKeySignature is not supported.
    • Example: Endpoint=sb://<service-bus-namespace-hostname>;SharedAccessKeyName=<key-name>;SharedAccessKey=<key>;EntityPath=<event-hub-name>;.

The associated Egress Routes can be customized with the following parameters:

  • Disable Payload Embedding: Flag that, when set to true, prevents Message payload to be embedded into the Service Bus message body. This can be used to optimize Service Bus throughput. Default is false which means that the payload is embedded if possible

Message format

If possible, body of Service Bus message contains embedded payload of the Message that arrived from a device. This is possible only if:

  • The payload must be smaller than 900 KiB.
  • The associated Egress Routes must not have Disable Payload Embedding flag set to true.

Otherwise, the body of the Service Bus message is empty.

In any case, following properties are available on the Service Bus message:

kindstringMessageIdentifier that allows to distinguish amongst different kinds of events. For messages, this is always set to Message.
stream-group-namestringgroup-aName of the stream group the message was sent into.
stream-namestringtelemetryName of the stream the message was sent into.
device-idstringrobot-125Id of the device that sent the message.
batch-idstring2023-12-19Identifier of batch. It is provided by device or auto-filled by the platform (if configured).
batch-slice-idstringlogsIdentifier of batch slice (if it was provided by the device).
message-idstringm00767Identifier of the message. It is provided by device or auto-filled by the platform (if configured).
is-embedded-payloadbooleantrueIs true when the Message payload is embedded directly, otherwise false. If payload is not embedded, it can be downloaded via payload-sas-uri property.
payload-sas-uristringSAS URI to the Message blob in Stream Storage.
workspace-idstring69f09b3f-ec0d-4b9e-a5ec-87150b935296Identifier of the Workspace that originating Device and Stream belong into. Formatted as GUID/UUID with 32 hexadecimal digits (lowercase) separated by hyphens.
ingress-enqueued-date-timestring2023-12-19T11:25:56.1408925+01:00Time when the Message was ingested by the platform. ISO 8601 format.

Batch completion format

Body of the Service Bus message is always empty and following properties are available:

kindstringBatchCompletionIdentifier that allows to distinguish amongst different kinds of events. For Batch Completions, this is always set to BatchCompletion.
stream-group-namestringgroup-aName of the stream group the message was sent into.
stream-namestringtelemetryName of the stream the message was sent into.
device-idstringrobot-125Id of the device that sent the message.
batch-idstring2023-12-19Identifier of batch. It is provided by device or auto-filled by the platform (if configured).
blob-sas-uristringSAS URI to the blob in the Stream Storage that contains concatenated messages from given batch. Only available when stream has concatenation enabled. Not present when blob-container-sas-uri and blob-directory-path properties are set.
blob-container-sas-uristringContainer SAS URI that can be used to list and access messages stored as individual blobs. Only available when stream has concatenation disabled. Not present when blob-sas-uri property is set.
blob-directory-pathstringgroup-a/telemetry/robot-125/2023-12-19Name prefix for messages (stored as blobs) in the Stream Storage. Only available when stream has concatenation disabled. Not present when blob-sas-uri property is set.
workspace-idstring69f09b3f-ec0d-4b9e-a5ec-87150b935296Identifier of the Workspace that originating Device and Stream belong into. Formatted as GUID/UUID with 32 hexadecimal digits (lowercase) separated by hyphens.